Wednesday, October 3, 2007


IML in SL has been under massive construction mostly out of changes required from knowledge gained by the process of customizing the region for specific purposes. The two major activities on the Island have been the use of the 3D representations of the class syllabus' for the 101 and 505 class and the Gone Gitmo Project.

Above are the Gone Gitmo Project and the 101 syllabus towering out from the region area below. The black cube you are seeing is the entire region enclosed by video screens facing inward. The land was completely flattened for this purpose and all screens pushed to the edges.
The Gone Gitmo Project is our first main project to be showcased here on IML in SL and is a recreation of Guantanamo Bay along with an area for streaming video and discussion.
Peggy Weil is the leader of this project and information can be found here.
Tech Soup also wrote an article.
Machinima Reporter Bernhard Drax posts a video on YouTube.

BuhBuhKuh Fairchild who was one the main programmer for the Gone Gitmo project was extremely helpful in teaching me how to set up correct permissions for our Island to make this project possible.

Day of Event

Steve Anderson in the process of breaking up there lecture and publishing it across several formats including youtube ended class with Streaming simultaneously projecting video into Second Life and controlling an avatar. The panopticon currently has 16 boxes one for each week of class that has embedded class content in it. This is a constant work in progress as class content is added constantly. New video screens are being added to facilitate multiple video streams.

Prim Water
In our...ok..MY attempt to remove all of the physical trappings of real life in SL has resulted in the water level being lowered. The water level at 50 was nice, but it made half the sim unusable as it was too dark to do anything. I (pictured below) purchased prim water which lets us separate the levels, but still allows us to travel down below easily.

Lower Level
This area is currently being used to store works in progress by Honors students. This space is a quarter of the Island.

Presentation Area
A quarter of the main floor of the IML Island is for presentations and events. Currently in this area is Anne Friedberg's 'The Virtual Window' with the book also being a link to outside information.

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